Monday, November 8, 2010

Apologizes razor, razor blade Although Reproduction Equipment Online

 silet dilarang , silet ditutup , silet Impressions of a razor blade on Sunday, November 7, 2010 edition that discusses prophecy and chain messages that can not be accounted for truth about the prediction of Merapi, a razor blade on RCTI banned temporarily. In the event that the Editors 'razor blade' has apologized for infotainment on RCTI broadcast on 7 November 2010.

Monday, November 8, 2010, said Chairman of the IEC, Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, Jakarta when interviewed by reporters, "If perrmintaan sorry that we appreciate, that it became our consideration, yes. But that's not enough. " With an apology from the editorial team had a razor blade, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) have not quite judge it. IBC insists program asking for 'razor' is suspended.

Dada emphasized by Rahmat Hidayat as Chairman of the IEC, "Error in size as it presents information that is not true and there is the psychological impact that I think it can not be measured". And he said Dadang reveals, 'razor blade' has made the mistake of presenting false information to the public and also give a psychological impact on victims of the eruption of Mount Merapi, giving rise to unrest. So all of that as a lesson to infotainment to tidah can only make the gossip that can not be accounted for righteousness.

1 comment:

  1. Salut dengan Silet

    Dalam Dunia Demokrasi tidak ada istilah salah. Ada forum diskusi, hak jawab dan menolak pendapat dengan argumen yang lebih kuat. Silet telah berani membuka topeng kepalsuan kita dengan metoda metafisik. Harusnya topik ini dikembangkan dalam banyak forum supaya kedok kejahatan dan kepalsuan penyebab bencana bisa diungkapkan. pemerintah mencederai demokrasi dengan cara mencekal silet. menutup aib manusia penyebab bencana dengan mengatakan "Bencana adalah siklus alam smesta" amit-amit.
